Friday, June 13, 2008

Government Healthcare Preview

In Worcester, Massachusetts the Seabury Heights Apartments is this housing complex for the elderly and handicapped. Now it is June and there is a heat wave. It has hit at least 90 degrees in Massachusetts. But in the Seabury Heights Apartments, residents are complaining because management is refusing to turn on the air conditioning.

Here's where government steps in. There is this asinine state regulation that mandates that heating systems in housing for the elderly must remain operational until June 15th. The landlord says, "You just can't turn a lever and go from hot to cold. You have to shut down the heating system before you can turn on the air conditioning. There are some code requirements." Apparently last year the complex tried to turn the heat off before June 15th and residents complained. So this year management decided to stick to the state regulation and even taped the law to the wall for all residents to observe.

Residents are clearly upset. Because not only is the air conditioning forbidden until June 15th but personal air conditioning units are also banned from this complex. And like any government operation, their quest for answers was fruitless. They tried contacting the Board of Health and they were referred to HUD. They tried contacting HUD and they were referred to the state. They contacted the governor's office and sent a letter to Senator Ted Kennedy. Nadda

This is your government at work, ladies and gentlemen. The government regulates when an apartment complex can turn on its air conditioning ... doesn't it make common sense for the complex to turn on the air when it gets hot? That's just too logical for a government operation.

Just wait until the very same government is controlling your health care!

This is a preview of what government run health care will look like -- not being able to get something you need because you're just outside the limit, doesn't matter if every sense in your body says it's wrong.

A client of mine was a frustrated physician who couldn't understand why a patient of hers was sent home from the ER because her blood work was just shy of the required number for admission to the hospital. The patient had to go home for two hours only to return in an ambulance. The sad thing is that this was a recurring condition that, if treated early would have saved money and shortened the length of the stay.

Government can't manage everything nor should it try!


Neal Boortz

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