Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Daily Trek -- May 14, 2008

Every now and then I get backed up with items that I could post but didn't have time for.

In the past I would do a, "Daily Trek," on my original blog, LifeTrek. I think I will carry that over to here when I get behind. These are noteworthy posts I just didn't have time to get to . It's basically a link dump.

If you like the format let me know.

Daily Trek -- May 14, 2008

LGF has a list of the, "skeletons," in Obama's closet, "I have never witnessed a presidential election in which a major candidate had this many skeletons in his closet."

Obama is clueless on Lebanon, as Powerline points out, "Obama may well fail to comprehend the first point and believe the second, just as naive leftists of an earlier generation thought that Ho Chi Minh was, at root, an agrarian reformer."

Democrats want to transcend race, but in a Mississippi ad the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) sent out a flier that accused a Republican of wanting to save a statue of the founder of the KKK -- the were wrong, it was Jefferson Davis, but Wizbang Blog wonders if that wasn't race baiting?

TalkLeft: "West Virginia is not an anomaly. Obama's white working class problem is EAST of the Mississippi. It is not just Appalachia. It MUST be addressed. Calling West Virginia names is not going to solve the problem."

The Telegraph UK notes, "Paul McCartney 'horrified' as his eco car is flown 7,000 miles from Japan." Remember the study a couple years ago that did the numbers showing a Hummer in total from dust to dust is actually more environmentally friendly then a Prius because of the transport, mining, and disposal costs? Here is their site - they have an update for 2008.

A rather prominent flag pin is on Obama’s lapel, for the second straight day. Here’s guessing he won’t lose it until after the general election." Paterico's Pontifications

While attacking John McCain as a continuation of George Bush Senator Christopher Dodd forgot how many years a President serves saying, "America can't afford six more years of George Bush." Hot Air has the video here.

Will one in five Democrats defect defect to the Republicans? Ace has the poll.

Okay, that is enough for now -- there is more, but it will have to wait.

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