Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fear Mongering -- AKA Telling The Truth

President Bush warned in an interview Tuesday that the Democratic presidential candidates' plans to withdraw abruptly from Iraq could "eventually lead to another attack on the United States" and would "embolden" terrorists.

In a White House interview with Politico and Yahoo News — a president's first for an online audience — Bush said his doomsday scenario for a premature withdrawal “of course is that extremists throughout the Middle East would be emboldened, which would eventually lead to another attack on the United States."

"The United States pulling out of Iraq or pulling out of the Middle East or not maintaining a forward presence would send all kinds of signals throughout the Middle East," he said in the Roosevelt Room. "And it would shake everybody's nerves, and it would embolden the very same people that we're trying to defeat.
This will be called politics of fear (of course climate "crisis" isn't), but if telling the truth causes fear then perhaps, just perhaps (and I know this is a wacky notion) there is something to be f'n afraid of?
Politco -- Bush warns of Iraq disaster

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