Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kennedy Cancer

Ted Kennedy has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor:
Malignant gliomas are a type of brain cancer diagnosed in about 9,000 Americans a year — and the most common type among adults. It's an initial diagnosis: How well patients fare depends on what specific tumor type is determined by further testing.

Average survival can range from less than a year for very advanced and aggressive types — such as glioblastomas — or to about five years for different types that are slower growing.

Associated Press

Myprayers are with the Senator and the Kennedy family. I hope this proves to be treatable and that the Senator can return to the Senate and continue in what has been a long and eventful life.


Anonymous said...

Would Edward Kennedy's ADVANCED BRAIN cancer treatment be allowed by the British Health System? My buddy in the National Health Service says probably not.

Given his age and advanced cancer, I'll bet the socialized medicine machine certainly would not have paid for that $10000 helicopter ride that Mr. Kennedy got from his private island paradise to the hospital.

Let's let Ted go over to Great Britain to have the doctors at the National Health Service treat his cancer.

Of course, I would think that he'd be denied cancer therapy as Ann Marie Rogers (a breast cancer patient) was denied an anticancer drug by the British court. Too bad she was not allowed to buy private health insurance by the socialized medicine folks in England.

Sorry, Ted, no cancer treatment for you. Health care rationing, you know. Just read the fine print in Mr. Obama's health plan. It will all be clear then.

Also, Ted Kennedy is going to have to eventually answer for Mary Jo Kopechne, in this life or after. Ted, it's getting about time to fess up to your past.

LifeTrek said...

Thanks for sharing -- at this time lets just keep the Senator in our prayers. Health care is a very emotional issue, that I agree should never be turned over to a government bureaucracy.

Anonymous said...

Pray for Ted Kennedy?

I prayed that Ted Kennedy wouldn't pass a gun control bill to take my guns away so that I could not protect my family.

Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo in his car.

Ted Kennedy advocated pulling out of Iraq on the eve of its first constitutional vote.

Ted Kennedy ran around his beach house naked while his nephew raped a woman.

Ted Kennedy tried many times to take away my healthcare choices and to socialize my healthcare.

Ted Kennedy wasted $12 billion in the "Big Dig".

Yeah, let's pray for Ted Kennedy to leave us the hell alone for good. The crazy SOB is dangerous!!!

Anonymous said...

Very good post. I'm from Martha's Vineyard, and many of us feel that Ted Kennedy's still got to answer for Mary Jo Kopechne's death.

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