Wednesday, May 21, 2008

U.S. To Start Exporting -- Toyotas!

Toyota has now announced that it will ramp up U.S. vehicle production in Indiana and begin exporting vehicles to other booming markets around the world.

The drop in the dollar, while we have all heard about its negative effects, has the potential for increasing U.S. manufacturing, it may actually have helped keep us out of a recession.

Now if we could drop the corporate tax rate you would see business pick up dramatically!
Autoblog -- Toyota to start exporting U.S.-built SUVs and minivans

An older example from April 9, 2008:
Thanks to two relatively recent developments – the falling value of the US dollar relative to other currencies and the significantly lower cost structure that GM, Ford, and Chrysler negotiated with the UAW last fall – the domestic auto companies are now hoping to use their lower cost bases to supply US-built vehicles to export markets.
GM has already announced an agreement with the Chinese government to export the Enclave crossover to China, to help satisfy a buying public that loves its Buicks (you may have heard that Buick sales in China exceeded Buick sales in the US last year).

AutoSavant -- The US is Suddenly a Low Cost Manufacturing Country


M. Simon said...

I have posted your comment with your link at:

Classical Values


Power and Control

Hope it drives some traffic your way. Nice to see you are from Rockford.

Visit Starting A Fusion Program In Your Home Town. Then send me an e-mail letting me know what you think.

LifeTrek said...

Thanks! I will check it out late Monday!

Thanks for stopping by -- I had linked and ready all the way back to 2005 on my LifeTrek Blog -- Rockford Blogs post.

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